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Hi Sir, I am 13 years old and sometimes I get clear water like discharge from nipples I don't remember if from only one or both but today I got it from left nipple only and I also get some creamy white thing from nipple and the water one I get very less and all of them always come after I bath so today after bath I was removing the white creamy thing from my nipple with my nails and I think I maybe scratched it so water like fluid came and it never comes when I press my nipples and I am scared because I am not sure I scratched it I also have some breast lumps but they have gotten smaller and softer is it possible that this can be okay it only came from left nipple today and I am very scared I also got scared of the lumps but the doctor said they are growing tissue and will go away and they have gotten smaller but I really get scared very easily so can this be okay.
3Doctors Answered
87% (103 ratings)
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Please get a blood test for serum prolactin.
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Hello, Relax! Hormonal changes in the beginning of your puberty might cause lumps inorder to enshape your breast with viscid discharge, even from breasts, aswell. It will take shape, finally on set of your menstrual flow, gradually. Tk, plenty of water to hydrate your body. Tk, care.
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This can be due to some abnormal hormone content in your body like Prolactin or Thyroid, so you should consult a Gynaecologist for this problem.
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