I am 17 years old and I am having fungal infections on my testicles and on this from 1 week & I had cough from 6 to 7 months now what to do?
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Fungal infections on skin are the most common of all and are effectively treated with homeopathy. I advise you to stop allopathic treatment as it gives temporary results only with lots of side effects, it will recur once you stop medicines and homeopathic treatment cures it from roots without side effects. no chance of recurrence. you can consult me online for homoeopathic treatment without side effects.
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Fungal infection or Ring worm. When occurs in groin, called as jock itch. Usually fungal infection is common in moist areas of body like skin folds. It's mostly circular or round in appearance. May be red or black in colour. Treatment depending on the type and severity. Avoid sharing clothes, towels and soap; sweating also increases it. As it has to be differentiated from eczema and infection, its a must to see and confirm the diagnosis for proper treatment. So, please send photos of the affected area for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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