I am bronchitis patient, since 2012, but I treat regularly antibiotic & budecort & duolin inhaler. I stopped the antibiotics then 2nd day I have problem for breath less. What should I do?
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A young patient having bronchitis of 6 years duration requiring regular antibiotics. At this age possibility of Bronchial Asthma is more likely to fit into diagnosis especially if symptoms are variable and have triggers like dust, smoke, season change or associated frequent cold or sneezing or nasal blockage or a strong family history of allergy. The diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma should be confirmed by SPIROMETRY WITH REVERSIBILITY test. If you breathlessness is not controlled with current medications of inhalers budecort and Duolin then first of all you need to re check the technique of taking inhalers. If it is correct you may need re- examination for confirmation of diagnosis and if it is bronchial Asthma then need stepping up of treatment and strict avoidance/ PREVENTION of triggers once identified (if possible) or determination of Total IgE levels for need of additional anti IgE therapy. Allergen immunotherapy if required.
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