I am 65 years old suffering from psoriasis forte last 40 years not continuously. Earlier this problem was persisting in both the soles but for 6-7 years in both palms fingers nails etc. I wss taking alopathic medicins but it did not benefit. Some steroids were also given by drs. Someone has suggested me to try psorinum 200. What is your advice on my problem and its treatment?
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Psoriasis responds well to Homoeopathy. However Psorinum is not the only remedy for Psoriasis. About any of the 30000 may be indicated depending on the details. Homoeopathy is wonderful in treating such chronic, repetitive complaints More details like your family history, past history, thermals, thirst, desires aversions, attitudes is required to make a prescription especially in a chronic case such as yours. Consult in private with the above details. More questions may be asked if required.
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Don't worry. Medicine available for good improvement. As the treatment varies depending on the severity. Send photos of the affected area, by direct online consultation for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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Hello, I am doctor from kayakalp global skin clinic. Psoriasis is genetic disorder triggered due to stressful conditions and irregular life style. Scalp psoriasis is a disease which should be treated in initial stages to prevent the disease to spread to other parts of body including joints and nails. On using various lotions and shampoos available in the market there is healing but disease reoccurs after some time. We, at KAYAKALP GLOBAL clinic treat psoriasis by using ayurvedic medicines, oils and sun expopsure. The internal ayurvedic medicines help in providing blood purification and oil we provide helps to prevent reoccurrence. Curcumine (Haldi) is also helpful to prevent reoccurrence. For detailed queries like: 1. Causes of psoriasis frame. 2. Is it genetic or can it spread to next generation Psoriasis is such a detail subject that it can not be explained in few lines. There are many queries about differential diagnosis ,causes ,triggers, is it genetic, diet, curable etc.
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