I am 21 ye old I am suffering from pcod and my doctor told me that my ovaries size is larger i.e it is swelled since 3 years now I am taking homeopathic medicines since 2 months at 13 july my period has come also on that day I sex with my partner immediately after sex my vagina start bleeding and after that till today my period has not come what can be the reason of it? Shall I sex or it will not be good for me please tell.
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You should rule out pregnancy.
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If period is missed first step is to do urine pregnancy test to confirm or rule out pregnancy. PCOD is a disease where there is hormonal imbalance. Depending on your complaints, examination, reports and stage of life treatment differs and it also needs more time so get yourself treated with patience. Meet Gynecologist in whom you have trust as you will need to go for long time to him/her. Overweight is very common so in case you have that reduction of weight helps tremendously. In PCOD ovulation- release of ovum is deranged because of hormonal changes. So long time different trials are required to treat same so with patience continue consulting Gynecologist or infertility specialist in whom you have trust.
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