For one time very little hard stool in my case leads to anal fissure. But I have asked our nearest people about it, they all told one time in their lifetime has suffered from hard stool but not anal fissure. So my question is why I get fissure for only one time hard stool. For that reason I stay always in fear and I am afraid to take any food by thinking if these food may cause hard stool and it leads anal fissure. So I always confined in home, I can not go any occasion as I can not eat so I can not enjoy with other because other people ear everything but they do not face such problem. To get life of other people by advising a colorectal surgeon Lateral sphincterotomy, surgery was done 1 year ago. But it can not fulfill my wish. I am completely vegetarian now and I am only 43 kgs in age of 24.
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It may be due to poor immunity. Please eat lot of salad before each food. Fruits in between meals. No juice. Plenty of water daily. Brisk walking.
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It is because your skin is more fragile. So to increase tensile strength of skin you should apply Sushruta oil in anal region regularly twice a day for three months. Take care of you bowel habit. To avoid constipation you should take mild stool softening Ayurvedic medicines like Haritaki Powder. Take plenty of liquids like butter milk etc. Take fiber rich diet like Green leafy vegetables, salads etc. It should take care of your problem. If problem persists please consult online.
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U eat everything full stomach, specially Home food n lots off liquid in any form so the stool will be soft n bulky, if still hard stool take stool softener for some time usually one or two months.
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