Hello doctor, I am type 1 diabetic patient. I want to know, can I take isotretinoin capsules IP 20 mg (tretin-ISO 20) if I want to conceive. I am not pregnant but I want to.
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No don't take isotretinoin capsules if you are planning to conceive, it's harmful for the baby.
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Lybrate-user ji, Thanks for the query. Isotretinoin capsules are used for treating acne. If you have that problem, then those can be used, provided your doctor has prescribed those. Regarding becoming pregnant, yes you can conceive, but keep in mind blood glucose level has to be strictly maintained between 90 to 120 mg all through out the day. Do not allow levels to gohigher after meals. It is absolutely critical for fetal development and, completion of gestation period and expected normal outcome of the pregnancy. Thanks.
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