Hello. I am 20 year old girl. I am suffering from hair fall. It's a major problem. My hair is so skinny. A doctor suggests me the keraglo eva tab and Triclenz shampoo. Can I use this for my hair?
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First find out the trigger factor and treat it soon. There could be one or many trigger factors for hair loss. Most common causes are high grade Fever, Nutritional deficiencies, crash dieting or anaemia, thyroid, some medicines like antibiotics, steroids, chemotherapy, anti-hypertensive and anti-coagulant drugs, hormonal pills, Hereditary factor, Irregular food and sleeping habits, Environment and water changes, Environment and water changes, Beauty treatments like straightening, perming, ironing, hair softning etc.
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You are suffering from hormonal changes causing Androgenetic alopecia causing hair fall. It's completely stoppable even regrowth of hair is possible with certain medications without any side effects. Treatment depends on the grade of hair loss. So, it's a must for diagnosing which grade, you are in for an effective treatment. Please send photos of your head, by direct online consultation for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
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