Hi doctor, I have something like external piles which started as dark pink coloured lump then changed to light pink and now almost white. I have pain after and during defecation. How can it be cured? How long it will take to get cured without surgery?
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Most likely you are suffering from external hemorrhoids. Usually external heamorrhoids present as painful swellings in the anal area. For this you should take sitz bath (Hot water tub bath) twice a day regularly and apply some soothing and healing ointment like Sushruta ointment/ Coconut oil/ Cow's ghee in anal passage. Usually pain and swelling subside in a week or 10 days. After that these masses can be removed by Graded Ksharsutra treatment and this treatment is far better than surgery. For further assistance and appointment you may call reception at Sushruta Ano Rectal Institute.
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I think it is the sentinal piles guarding the hidden fissure in ano. Avoid constipation, try to sit in warm water with Betadine and apply ointment Escot digitally before going for stool.
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