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From last few days me not feeling well. feeling like vomiting, not feel like eat. As per Dr. instruction I have done some reports. My bilirubin total is 1.46 Sgpt is 12.2 Esr is 21 Please give me suggestion And how to. Come out.
2Doctors Answered
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DON'T worry.
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It is normal to have some bilirubin in the blood. A normal level is: Direct (also called conjugated) bilirubin: less than 0.3 mg/dL (less than 5.1 �mol/L) Total bilirubin: 0.1 to 1.2 mg/dL (1.71 to 20.5 �mol/L).Your level is only slightly increased and it shows hepatitis and you may have viral hepatitis and it needs no special medication and only rest fluids are needed. Check if you have Hepatitis B by HbSAg test.
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