I was on fast during navratri. I was having peanut in my diet. But in morning the symptoms of piles started. I waited to get it over after navratri when I start taking my regular diet. But unfortunately it did not happen. I am still having that issue and feeling unbearable pain during or after my stool entire day. Please suggest me if any medicine can help.
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Most likely; you are suffering from Anal Fissure. In this problem; there is a cut in anal skin due to passage of hard stool. Treatment should be targeted towards relieving your pain and promote healing of cut. For that you should take sitz bath (Hot water tub Bath) 2-3 times a day followed by application of some soothing and healing ointment like Sushruta ointment. To relieve constipation you should take plenty of liquids specially buttermilk. Eat fiber rich diet like green leafy vegetables, salads etc. You can also take some mild stool softening Ayurvedic medicine like Sushruta Churna/ Haritaki Churna 1 tea spoon full in night with warm water. For further support and appointment; you may call reception at Sushruta Ano Rectal Institute.
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