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I have been suffering from Allergic Rhinitis for last more than six months. Now the condition is very painful. Triggering factors are smoke, dust, cold, heat, fume, perfume, strong smell of anything and so on. Features are nasal block, sneezing, runny nose, burning, irritation and itching of nasal passages, severe pain, swelling and sore in nasal area. I have tried Homoeopathy Medicine - Allium Cipa 30, Sabadilla 30, Nat Mur 30, Nicolum Met 30, Kali Bichrome and nasal Aid Spray as given by local doctors time to time in different episodes. I did not get substantial relief. Now also feeling drowsiness, disturbed sleeping, itching of eyes, weakness and feverish sensation. What to do now? Please advise and save me.

2Doctors Answered
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