My daughter is suffering with schizophrenia since 4 years. Treatment is continue under the advice of phycatist. Can I discontinue treatment?
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Dear lybrate-user, You CAN NOT discontinue the treatment for your daughter. Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder. Without treatment it becomes worse not only for your daughter but for the whole family. Probably, you may plan to get her married. What will happen, if she relapses into schizophrenia symptoms of hallucinations, delusions and bizarre behaviours. The medical treatment dose may be adjusted according to her improvement. To maintain the improvement, Mrunali needs treatment. Discuss with the psychiatrist before you decide on your own.
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Ofcourse not It's life long treatment.
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Hello. Imagine if you are driving a ferrari at 100 kmps. Its going by smoothly. Would you suddenly brake for no good reason? Ideally not. Similarly if the pros of the treatment are outweighing the negatives, I urge you to not take such a drastic step. If you are in doubt please take another opinion but DONOT discontinue any medication on your own.
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