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I had my LMP on 11 November, and have a 33 days cycle. Although I didn't have unprotected sex, I am worried about pregnancy. I was diagnosed with pcod in august but after changing my food and lifestyle habits I had regular periods for 3 months. Now this month again I was supposed to get my periods on 14 DEC but still no sign. As I do fast dance exercise like zumba and aerobics at gym I was still concerned and got beta hcg on 19 dec which was negative. It showed <.100 hcg. Now should I wait longer for my periods to come or see a gone for medication. I was hoping that I would control pcod without medication.
3Doctors Answered
92% (205 ratings)
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You will get your menses after 7 days of medicines.
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You will not get your periods if you have not ovulated in this cycle. You can wait for another week however for your periods to come.
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86% (180 ratings)
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To control PCOS you have to do some lifestyle changes along with medicine. Wait for few days and if periods does not happen then see your doctor.
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