My child is 5 and half months old, After 2 months doctor suggested to start formula milk lactodex since my feed was less cause the rate of wt gain was less, she is very reluctant in drinking it and the main problem was after starting this her stool became green in colour dark. And her diet reduced further so we had to sometimes fool or force her to drink. The doctor said as there is more iron content hence it is green, but this was not so since I felt she used to have stomach ache while drinking so we went to homeopathic doctor he said this is not a good symptom since she has not started with teething, he gave two medicines chamomilla 30 ch and gambogia 30ch twice daily. After consuming this for 2-3 days in phased manner the colour of the stool returned to yellow so after giving the combination of both medicines for 15 days I stopped it in a phased manner, but colour returned after some days. So when I give this it's alright else not. What does this indicate. Kindly give me a proper solution or explanation as to whether there is any problem or every thing is alright since all her vaccines are up to date not missed once. Thanking you.
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IT'S okay. No problem.
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Homoeopathic Medicine are helping her digestive system that's why she improved. Some babies have issues with digestion. And as she is 5 month old within days she will start to have teething process, she will chew everything near her so better give her homoeopathic treatment to save her from infections or teething diarrhoea. Nothing to worry about her health , you need to take preventive steps. You can consult me through Lybrate for homoeopathic treatment and further guidance. You should give her DENTON syrup for painless and diarrhoea free teething process.
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The gas content is the real cause of your child's suffering If she is feeding on bottle stop it immediately ( bottle with Nipple ) and watch. . You feed with a cup and spoon and no bottle feeding and she will be fine
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