I am suffering from erectile dysfunction I do sex with my girlfriend. When I insert my penis inside her vagina my sperm has coming after 2-3 second. And after that my penis is suffering to erect .my girlfriend is very sad for me.in my past I do masturbate 4-8; times a day. I used sex medicine to do sex with my girlfriend. I want to get married from her. PL help me.
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Hello. Such problems of premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction are mostly due to physical condition or weaknesses caused by excess masturbation or psychological factors like stress or fear or anxiety in mind. In most cases, overthinking about the past failures or fear or inferiority complex or anxiety about performance issues causes all the damage. You need to follow certain stress management techniques and relaxation techniques to keep your mind calm. Be positive. It's a treatable problem if you are willing to adopt few changes in your lifestyle, dietary changes, daily routines along with few excersise routine and mindset change therapies etc. Feel free reach online or through Lybrate chat for further detailed evaluation of your both physical and mental symptoms to recommend suitable therapy and counseling support. Be positive. You will be alright soon.
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