I have been using this medicine allegra. I'm for past 4 years regularly because if I don't. my nose is full of water and leaks non stop till. I take this medicine I am diabetic patient 250 -300. how do I over come I am from kolkata.
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Mr. lybrate-user, thanks for the query. Blood glucose level of 250 - 300 mg / 100 ml is too high. It signifies totally uncontrolled diabetes. This not good at all, as persistent hyperglycemia damages microvasculature (vessels supplying retina, kidneys, penile muscles and nerves) plus macrovasulature supplying heart and lower limbs. This can lead to conditions like retinopathy, affecting the vision, kidny function deterioration, neuropathy, loss of sensation, damage to lower limgbs, and heart related issues. As regards use of allegra, if needed that needs to be continued as long as required. Thanks.
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