I am 31 year old and suffering from ed last 5 year. I was taking aayurved medicine but no improvement then 2 month before I consulted sexologist he told me that all test report are normal. He suggest me edon 5 mg daily and I am taking same last two month but till date no erection. Can edon regularly use is bad for us and what will I do?
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Edon 5 mg tablet relaxes the smooth muscles present in the wall of blood vessels and helps in increasing the flow of blood in certain specific areas of the body. It is used for the treatment of erection disorders, prostate gland enlargement and pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure of blood vessels connecting the lungs and the heart). You ave to take this pill only half an before sex and not daly .if you try patiently, without thinking or worrying about erection, it will come naturally you see the causes of ed in detail. Erectile dysfunction (ed) is a condition in which man has trouble in keeping or getting an erection. It is a common male sexual dysfunction. It becomes more common as you get older but it is not a part of aging. Mechanism of erection an erection starts in the brain. Physical and mental stimulation is required for an erection to begin. This stimulation causes nerves in the brain to send chemical messages to nerves which are present in the penis which results in the free flow of blood into the penis. This leads to high pressure in the penis which in turn traps the blood within both corpora cavernosa and then the penis expand. This causes the penis to sustain an erection. When the inflow of blood is stopped, then it opens outflow channels and then penis becomes soft. Then an erection is said to be reversed. Causes of erectile dysfunction erection is a complex process which involves hormones, brain, emotions, muscles, nerves and blood vessels. Problem with any one of these can lead to erectile dysfunction. Sometimes stress and mental health can also lead to erectile dysfunction. Combination of physical and psychological issues can lead to erectile dysfunction. Some medicines like antidepressants can also cause this and if you are taking any medication you have to discuss with your treating doctor to change or stop medicine if possible physical causes of ed ?heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. ?parkinson's disease, obesity, alcoholism, atherosclerosis. ?use of tobacco, surgeries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord. ?treatments for prostate cancer. Psychological issues of ed: depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health conditions are some of the psychological issues which causes erectile dysfunction. Symptoms of erectile dysfunction ?trouble in getting erection ?difficulty in keeping erection ?reduced sexual desire to prevent erectile dysfunction by decreasing the chances of developing several diseases like diabetes, heart disease and hypertension, chances of developing erectile dysfunction can be decreased to some extent. By eating healthy diet, erectile dysfunction can be managed. By doing exercise daily and by avoiding smoking, risk for developing erectile dysfunction can be decreased. If you do not have any diseases it is only your mind that is preventing your erection. So you need to be calm and stop worrying about it and keep on doing normally home remedies for ed / sexual impotence chew two to three cloves of raw garlic daily. Regularly chewing two or three cloves of raw garlic helps treating sexual impotence. In addition, eating garlic bread prepared with whole grains helps in the production of healthy sperms. Take a white onion, peel it off, crush and then fry in butter. This mixture can be taken daily with a spoon of honey, but make sure to consume this mixture when your stomach has been empty for at least two hours. This remedy helps to treat premature ejaculation, impotence and involuntary loss of semen during sleep or other times (known as night fall or spermatorrhea). Also, dip thee powder of black gram in onion juice for seven days and then dry the mixture. This mixture is a strong aphrodisiac and can be taken daily for improving sexual performance. Take 150 gm of carrots, finely chopped with a half-boiled egg and a tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture, once daily for a month or two people who are usually tense and suffer from sexual disorders can find relief as this home remedy increases sexual stamina. Lady's finger are considered a remarkable tonic for improving sexual vigor: take 5 to 10 grams of the root powder of this vegetable with a glass of milk and two teaspoons of ground mishri (candy sugar) daily. Regular use of this recipe helps in restoration of sexual vigour. Sexual impotence treatment using asparagus the dried roots of asparagus (or white musli) are used in unani medicine as an aphrodisiac: take 15 grams of the dried roots of asparagus and boil it with one cup of milk. Take this mixture twice daily for satisfactory results. The regular use of this recipe is valuable to cure impotency and premature ejaculation. Sexual impotence treatment using drumstick drumstick is very useful as a sexual tonic in the treatment of sexual debility and functional sterility in both males and females. The powder of the dry bark is also valuable in impotency, premature ejaculation, and thinness of semen. Sexual impotence treatment using ginger the juice extracted from ginger is a valuable aphrodisiac and beneficial in the treatment of sexual weaknesses: take half a teaspoon of ginger juice with a half-boiled egg and honey, once daily at night, for a month. This recipe is said to relieve impotency, premature ejaculation, and spermatorrhea. Â
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