I'm 19 years old. I'm suffering from pcod. I'm using myocyst tablets since 2 months yet. I'm not getting period and heard that myocyst is not suitable for my age. Is it authentic. What should I do now.
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"myocyst is not suitable for my age" is wrong information. Prescribing doctor decides for same after examination and reports. Pcod is a disease where there is a hormonal imbalance. Depending on your complaints, examination, reports, and stage of life treatment differs, and it also needs more time to get yourself treated with patience. Meet gynecologist in whom you have trust as you will need to go for a long time to him/her. Overweight is very common so in case you have that reduction of weight helps tremendously.
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Hello, PCOD is polycystic ovarian disease which cause increase testosterone levels in women with androgenic features and multiple small cysts in ovaries. Its one of the most common reason for irregular menses, especially oligomenorrhoea. you have to be placed on low dose oc pills with myoinositol supplementation with reduction in weight with exercise and diet and increasing your daily water intake .All these for 3-6 months have been advocated for treatment of PCOD.
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