I'm suffering from excessive sweating especially on my hands and feet even in winter. Why? Please provide any solutions.
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Sweating is the natural process of the body through which it releases its toxins, but what if that natural course of action becomes deviant by becoming a disorder? Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a disorder that is out of the ordinary and so atypical that it can even embarrass you. So, before you face some more trouble because of excessive sweating, get rid of it by trying out some of the provided home remedies below. Causes of excessive sweating various reasons that can cause your body to sweat in excess can be: excess weight hormonal fluctuations anxiety disorder depression anger diabetes heart or lung disease parkinson?s disease heart failure over-the-counter medication alcohol abuse shingles respiratory problems hyperthyroidism gout injury in the spinal cord pregnancy menopause symptoms of excessive sweating a number of signs and symptoms, which can make out that the person is suffering from hyperhidrosis, are: ?wet and moist palms and soles ?visible sweating that even drenches the clothes ?discoloration of the affected area ?maceration of the skin ?foot odour ?cracking and scaling of the skin home remedies for excessive sweating 1. Natural vinegar intake of two teaspoons of natural vinegar and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar thrice in a day is an excellent remedy to cure the excessive sweating. Take this mixture on an empty stomach- half an hour after or before the meal. 2. Tomato juice every day drink a glass of fresh tomato juice made at home to get rid of the problem of excessive sweating. 3. Herbal tea sage tea has proven to be a great remedy to cure the troubles of excessive sweating. Brew some sage herbs in warm water and let them cool. Drink this every day as sage is rich in magnesium and vitamin b, which reduces the activities of sweat glands. This remedy is especially meant for stopping excessive sweating in the underarms. Green tea is equally effective if you do not get sage herbs easily. 4. Potato this is the easiest remedy to get rid of too much sweating. Simply cut slices of potato and rub them u. Grapes eating grapes every day can soothe out the problem of extreme sweating. It has natural antioxidants and it balances the temperature of the body. 5. Salt mix a tablespoon of salt with lime juice and massage your hands with this mix. It will decelerate the activities of sweat glands and will cure excessive sweating. Under your arms and the areas, which sweat more.
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