I am suffering from depression from last 14 years but I have no sleeping problems recently I visited a psychiatrist he prescribed me sertraline 25 mg but I observe sleeplessness after taking the medicine, what should I do?
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Hello friend, good that you are seeking a help here. Just be aware that medicine are just one part of any psychic treatments like yours. In parallel you need to adopt few non medicine treatment in parallel to see improvement. Suggest you to consult a psychologist to assess your suitation and symptoms to recommend suitable psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, excersise routines, relaxation techniques, dietary changes and counseling support. Be positive. You will be alright soon.
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Some can have this side effect, more than sleepiness you could be tired. It is a good idea to take it earlier than you do now if you tend to feel this tiredness in the morning. If this still persists, do talk to your doctor for revision of medication or dosage.
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Dear Lybrate-User, sertraline can cause sleep disturbances. So try taking it in the morning.
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Try taking therapy sessions consult with any psychologist for therapy online or in person all the best.
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It may be helpful to take the medication in the morning if taking it in the evening is causing you to have sleeplessness. Some psychiatric medications can cause alertness which is rarely the case with ssris i.e. Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. The medication sertraline is an ssri and if it is helping with depression you might want to take the medication in the morning to avoid any sleep problems.
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Sertraline is not the best medicine for depression with insomnia, as for many it produces insomnia. Better inform your psychiatrist and get a sedative antidepressant prescribed, if he/she is reluctant, seek a 2nd opinion. All the best.
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