I am 19 years old I have long hair but they are very thin and tapering towards bottom. Please suggest some good medicines or oils to increase hair growth and increase hair volume.
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Extract the potato juice and apply on the scalp, after 15 minutes, wash it with a mild shampoo. Do it twice in a week for better hair volume. Use amla products regularly that helps you increase your hair volume. Using of hibiscus flower prevents premature ageing and improves the thickness of the hair. Find out how exactly do the various vitamins help your hair: 1.Vitamin a: this vitamin controls the production of retinoic acid in your hair follicle. It is not only helpful for skin care but stimulates hair growth. It is immensely fruitful in moisturizing your hair and keeping it healthy. Vitamin a is usually found in sweet potatoes, carrots, tuna, lettuce, mango, sweet red peppers, green leafy vegetables and spinach. 2.Vitamin b: variants of this, such as b12, aid in hair growth by managing stress. Vitamin b is found in fruits such as oranges and papayas, and beans. 3.Vitamin c: this vitamin helps you absorb iron from the food you eat which is an absolute essential for hair growth. It also boosts the synthesis of collagen that is required to repair the damage and sustain the structure of your hair. Fruits such as papayas, guavas, lemons, sweet lime, orange, kiwi, vegetables such as broccoli, yellow bell peppers and leafy vegetables are replete with vitamin c. 4.Vitamin d: this vitamin rejuvenates the hair cells in order to form new shafts of hair. Vitamin d is found in dairy products, mushrooms, soy milk, tofu, and cheese. Vitamin d is also naturally made by your body when you expose your skin to the sun and is called the sunshine vitamin. 5.Vitamin e: this aids in stimulating capillaries and enhancing blood circulation on the scalp. This additionally contributes to hair growth due to its high anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant content. Certain foods loaded with vitamin e are pumpkin, broccoli, olive oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, tofu and spinach. 6.Vitamin b5: it is also known as panthenol, is a vital ingredient that is used in medicines to regulate hair fall. Foods enriched with vitamin b5 are sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, avocados, cheese and mushrooms.
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