Hello doctors, I got my pregnancy test positive on tomorrow. My hcg is 2018. I am taking supplements of folic acid and vitamins. I have thyroid of 5.0 something. What are the precautions should I take these days?
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Hello, Thanks for the query. The value mentioned (5 . 0 )if it is TSH units, then it is high. Through out the gestation period of 9 months TSH should be around 2 mU/L. Otherwise higher value is likely to affect fetal growth and later the outcome of pregnancy. So you will have to start treatment with Levothyroxine, right from today. Then check TSH every 4 weeks during pregnancy. First Trimester TSH should be 0.1 to 2.5 mU/L, Second trimester 0.2 to 3.0 mU/L & Third Trimester 0.3 to 3.0 mU/L. If you have any questions please do come back. Thanks
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You need to take thyroid supplement to keep your TSH around 2.Discuss with your doctor.
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