I will have surgery of the disease pilonidal sinus. I want to know that can I do workout (outdoor sports, gym ). If yes, how long should I wait after its recovery?
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First of all no need of surgery in pilonidal sinus, there will be a big wound in modern surgery and also surgical stains will be there for lifetime. For your information only ayurvedic kshara sutra therapy is a unique ancient technique, which is proved to be an effective treatment for pilonidal sinus. According to world health organisation (who, kshar sutra therapy is better than any modern surgery for pilonidal sinus. Its a painless non surgical procedure. We will provide you demo video for the treatment procedure.
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Surgery is not the right choice for pilonidal sinus for the reason recurrence of pilonidal sinus after surgery (in about 25% cases recurrence of pilonidal sinus is reported after surgery) however pilonidal sinus can be completely treated by graded ksharsutra treatment. No hospitalization or bed rest is required in this treatment. You can continue your normal routine activities as usual during this treatment. In this treatment; graded ksharsutra - a specialized medicated thread is placed in the sinus tract. Medicine released from graded kshrasutra debrides the sinus tract and induces healing. This medicine works for 5-7 days so old ksharsutra needs to be replaced by a new one at a week or 10 days intervals. Number of graded kshrasutra changes required for complete healing of pilonidal sinus depends on the depth, direction of the branching pattern of sinus tract. It is observed that a sinus tract of 3 cm length usually requires 4-6 graded ksharsutra change sittings. For further support, you may call reception at sushruta ano rectal institute.
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