I have mild pcod lost 8 kg in 3 month now 61 kg having hair fall regular n painful periods also body ache n still not able to conceive after trying7 month I took cabgolin once on week for month than taking fertisure images calcium also took letrozole last menses now what to do now I want to conceive also day by day lost self confidence.
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Hi. Do not worry. Get an expert infertility specialist consultaion. May require etc test if needed and a couple of more cycles to make you concieve.
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Hello. It's important that you have done all investigations of infertility so that other causes (apart from pcos) if any can be detected at the earliest. You need to take ovulation induction drugs like clomiphene citrate or letrozole followed by folliculometry from day 9 onwards on alternate days to look for development of eggs and endometrial thickness. Inj hcg need to be taken for release of eggs and timed intercourse. If there is impaired follicle development than inj gonadotropin may be required.
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First go for semen analysis of your husband. If its normal, you need to consult gynecologist for a checkup.
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