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My name is mariya and after marriage we are trying for a baby but the result is negative so we consult doctor and madam advice to start letrozole 2.5 mg on the 2 nd day of my cycle for 5 days and after that we done transvaginal ultrasound so my folicule is 27 .5 so madam told me am ovulating on my 14 th cycle so my question is me and my husband is intercourse once daily up to 13 th day of cycle on 14 th day we are not ovulating so any problem can I pregnant my husband sperm analysis everything normal so can I pregnant and also madam start to giving susten 200 mg up to 28 th cycle then next day should check the pregnancy test so can I pregnant these month.
2Doctors Answered
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Chance of pregnancy is there. So do urine test or blood b hcg on the day you skip your cycle but the thing is next time when you try to get pregnant do not be together everyday. Have only a day before ovulation and on the day of ovulation.
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Yes if you donot get periods on the due date you can check yourself for pregnancy.
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