I want my husband to quit alcohol, but he is not willing to quit, nowadays my mother in law and all family members are also very tensed about him, pls let me know any medicine or any suggestions to let him quit alcohol, divya time mobile.
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He seems to have allergic rashes due to alcohol and it is a type of alcohol intolerance. You have the only option of stopping it. It is a common misbelieve of the common people that there are medicines which if given will stop a person from drinking only strong will power, determination, attending aa meetings and diverting mind when tempted will help you stop alcohol or may need professional help from a psychiatrist or de-addiction centre. Try to do meditation and yoga. Read good books and listen to music and if you are believer attend bhajans. Alcohol causes 7 types of cancer, including breast, mouth and bowel cancers. When you drink alcohol, cancer-causing chemicals are formed. Alcohol also affects hormone levels and makes cells even more likely to be damaged by smoking. The less alcohol you drink, the lower the risk of cancer. No type of alcohol is better or worse than another, it is the alcohol itself that leads to the damage, regardless of whether it is in wine, beer or spirits. And drinking and smoking together are even worse for you. Not everyone who drinks alcohol will develop cancer. But on the whole, scientists have found that some cancers are more common in people who drink more alcohol than others. Every year, alcohol causes 4% of cancers. You can try these tips to cut down on alcohol. There are lots of simple ways to cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink. It can help to work out if there are particular times or situations when you tend to have a drink, whether that?s a bad day at work or a weekly pub quiz tradition, and plan what you?ll say and do differently next time. Have more alcohol-free days a week. For liver health, it?s best to have at least 2 days off alcohol in a row each week. Try agreeing on certain days with your partner or a friend and help each other and stick to it. If you are planning to drink alcohol, decide on a limit in advance and make sure you don?t go over it. Swap every other alcoholic drink for a soft one ? starting with your first drink. Try shandy instead of a pint of beer, or swap one for soda and have a spritzer. Don?t stock up on beer, wine or spirits at home. Finish one drink before pouring another, because topping up drinks makes it harder to keep track of how much you?ve had and when you planned to stop. Avoid buying drinks in rounds, that way you don?t have to keep pace with anyone. Tell a friend or partner that you?re cutting down on alcohol, they can support you ? or even join you.
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