Hey I told my doc. By mistake tat I have krimson 35 bt when I check I have dronis 3p my doc. Prescribed me to take krimson 35 but I have dronis 30 can I take dronis 30 instead of krimson 35 is there will be any difference.
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Hello.. Krimson 35 contains higher amount of estrogen (35) and cyproterone acetate which is a potent anti androgen.. Krimson 35 is mainly prescribed when there are clinical or biochemical Hyperandrogenism..( like in PCOS associated with Hirsutism- increased facial hair growth) If you don’t have Hyperandrogenism than it’s better to take Dronis 30 which contains lesser amount of estrogen and drosperinone which also has anti androgenic action ..
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Yes if acne is main adpect of treatment in PCOd then we give krimson and if weight gain and acne both are a main problem then Dronis is d drug of choice for them.
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Yes you can the dosage is different but effect is the same.
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Yes you can the dosage is different but effect is the same.
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