Sir after taking anti tuberculosis medicine for 1.5 months. I got relief from cough and chest pain. Some times yellow colour sputum comes. But very few times in 2-3 days. But one night when I was coughing blood come out with sputum. Is it serious or common with patients receiving tuberculosis treatment. Also I am taking febutaz to reduce blood uric acid level. Sir I am very much scared by seeing blood coming out of mouth. Please help me.
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You need not be worry immediately. I want to know about the amount of blood in cough and in how many bouts of cough it comes, previous chest x ray findings and other relevant details. If I assume that blood came out in just one bout of cough and less than 1-2 ml, you need not worry. Easiest way is just check your sputum for cbnaat/mtb rt pcr. Without knowing your detail aspects of the pulmonary tb, it is difficult to prescribe any medication.
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If you are clinically improving and there is just 1 episode of bleeding in cough, you do not worry much. 1) do check for drug resistant tb with help of gene expert, repeat chest xray pa view. 2) do routine blood test of cbc, pt inr, blood group. However if quantity of bleeding is more, you need to consult doctor immediately.
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Need not to worry if bloodminimal.
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