I'm 25 years old female. I have a 9 months old baby. Now I am having menstruating for last one months. I used trax for get rid from bleeding and used vitamin b and c.but that medicine didn't work. Now what should I do?
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Hello first of all it may be physiological to have prolonged bleeding after few months of amenorrhe after delivery. Since it's troubling you next steps for better treatments should be. 1) get the urine pregnancy test done (if relevant) to check for accidental pregnancy (if relevant) 2) or directly go for the ultrasonography before taking any further medication. Usg will most likely clear the diagnosis and will facilitate the further management. Hope this helps. Thank you.
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If possiblesee a doctor or conult me on linethrough Lybrate.
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To get a perfect treatment for this we need to go for an endometrial thickness report from other sound and find out the cause of bleeding and corrected accordingly.
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