Hello Lybrate Dr. My hubby is suffering from piles for last 15 days he has severe pain when passing his stool and swelling in his anus make him discomfort for all day please suggest some tips for relief i'll wait for your reply. Thank you.
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sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day arshoghn avleh 10 gm twice a day
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Most likely your husband is suffering from anal fissure. Anal fissure can be conveniently treated without surgery by graded kshar karma treatment. In this treatment; graded kshar - a specialized ayurvedic medicine is applied in fissure region. This medicine debrides teh fissure and induces healing. Usually 3-5 graded kshar karma sittings are required for complete healing of fissure at weekly intervals. This is an opd procedure and no hospitalization or bed rest is required in this treatment. Now he should take sitz bath (hot water tub bath) followed by application of some soothing ointment or coconut oil in anal region. For easy evacuation of bowel; he should take some stool softening medicine like haritaki powder etc. For further support you may contact sushruta ano rectal institute.
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