Hi, from one month my baby is not sleeping for 5 hrs per day, even he is very active in the day time. If he sleep 2 hrs in the day time and night he sleep only 3 hours. He ll not open eyes simply making noise and crying and not sleeping whole night til morning. V tired colimex and teething gel zyteel didn't worked at all, he is 14 months old baby, 9.6 kg weight.
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Ho lybrate-user, no need to give anything for sleeping. Make a habit of it. Do not give unnecessary medicines.
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This is abnormally low sleep. Needs detailed review.
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Your baby is healthy no need to be apprehensive.
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Use lavender oil as aroma oil for good sleep.
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Many children cry relentlessly in night. These are a few tips which might help you. 1st of all you should know this is quite a common complaint in children of this age group. It is usually seen starting from 6 weeks of age till the age of 4 months. And mostly after 6 pm in the evening to midnight, sometimes early morning. U try following things and see if it helps 1. Gently tap the baby after each feeds and do burping to take out gas from baby's stomach which baby might have swallowed during the feeding. 2. Take the baby in lap and rock gently back and forth 3. Use a good quality pacifier 4. Walk in the balcony or terrace with baby in free air to soothe the baby 5. Avoid overfeeding the baby. 6. Sing a rhyme or play some soft music for the baby for more advice, you can connect with me on email
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Improve and correct feeding schedule, timing of feeds and check the amounts of feed, 9.6 kg for 14 months is acceptable weight.
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Make sure the baby is not hungry. When you breastfeed the baby, ensure that the feeding is for 20-30 minutes. If the baby is fed for lesser time, he will get only foremilk, which will satisfy his thirst. Feeding for moretime, will lead to hind milk being fed, which is rich in fats and will satisfy his hunger. Proper burping after everyfeed will decrease abdomenal colic. Yamoo drops maybe helpful for colic. Please check if the baby is wet often. Also make sure his environment is not too hot or cold. No noise (tv or mobile) if all the above are satisfied and the baby is still cranky ear infection has to be ruled out. Especially if the baby is bottle fed. If not, then a thorough evaluation will be necessary for the cause of insistent crying.
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