Dr. I was suffering from vaginal infection discharge rashes in vulva from 7 months every time after intercourse. Discharge was foul smelling. Dr. a week ago prescribed me fluconazole 150 for 2 weeks dc lb100 1 tablet for a month and secnil forte for 5 days nd also a canesten cream. I'm not using the cream because when I used candid b cream it didn't worked. I am afraid with the local creams. Will there be a any problem in the treatment if I don't use creams in vulva. Pls ans. Today is the 7th day my rashes are left a bit no itching is there. Pls suggest me. I wash the area with plain water v wash also doesn't suits me.
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No problem. But always keep the area clean and dry. Also please check your sugars, as your problem you said is recurrent.
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Hi, Lybrate user, ?yeast infection grows in vulva, cause itching & irritation with cheesy discharge.? fungal infection after period, use of scented pads & sprays can cause itching� and irritation. ?wear loose under garments to allow fresh air to nourish your pelvic, groin and vaginal muscles to check infection.?clean external genital area with underlying homoeopathic medicine. @ echinecea q -20 drops with 1/2 cup of water, thrice, dly. Consult ,privetly for a better and faster recovery, please. ?avoid, junk food, alcohol and nicotine. ?report after a wk, privetly, please. Tk, care.
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V wash is useless. Do the following-- 1. You maintain high grade of personal hygiene. 2. Do change your undergarments at least 2 times a day 3. Wear cotton underclothes. 4. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids. 5. Keep the area dry. For more details you can consult me.
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You can choose not to use local cream but I would suggest to continue tab flucanozole 150 mg once a week for 4 weeks. Also maintain personal hygiene and use condoms during intercourse for few months.
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You need proper treatment with antibiotics. Both you and your partner. Only then this will go away.
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