I am suffering from psoriasis .i have dark patches on my back and neck and it's itchy sometime. My scalp and and genital is also affected .is it safe to use propysalic nf ointment over the genital and area around my anal.
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Don't worry...you are suffering from psoriasiform dermatitis causing this... specific Medicine available for good control... Treatment depends on the severity..Do direct online consultation for detailed prescription by sending photos.
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Good afternoon. Psoriasis is a chronic condition characterised by flares and remissions. The medicine you mentioned is indeed used for psoriasis. - if you are using it without the permission or under supervision of your treating dermatologist, kindly refrain from doing so. - if you have been prescribed the same for psoriasis of the genital areas, follow your treating dermatologist's instructions to the letter with regular follow ups - for the very simple fact that he/she has seen the lesions and I have not. - creams for psoriasis are prescribed based on many factors - including thickness, redness, itchiness, and body part affected. - if you still are not comfortable applying it over the genital areas, there are other non steroid based creams that can be used instead, though efficacy may vary among them.
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