Hi doc. I just want to know about pilon ointment cream can we use this cream internally / externally? How long to keep this cream on? Mean is it ok to apply at bedtime to till morning?
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Hello Lybrate user, pilon is an ayurvedic medicine which we usually don't prescribe. First of all if you have piles, may it be internal or external, we usually apply proctosidyl ointment 3 times a day after sitz bath 3 times a day and definitely before going to sleep at night. Along with it, you have to take a stool softener. But many times, people may not have piles at all, but due to chronic constipation, they develop fiasure/ cracks in the anal region which on healing forms a tag which many present as piles. So best would be to visit your general surgeon and have it examined and seek either surgical / medical management based on the severity.
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It should be applied externally on the hemorrhoid or fissure. It will be better to apply it and reapply it after emptying your bowels. It can be applied before bed. If you found my answer helpful, please leave a like/ thanks. Thank you.
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