Since a week, skin between my vagina and thigh start getting red. It's prick while sitting and folding. Get worst day by day. I tried candid b, betnovate c, surfer sn, coconut oil, vico cream, olive oil but nothing happens. While having bath I add dettol in water. please tell me what to do. It's feel like skin may cut or tear. Can I take avil tablet? Will it help in redness.
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Hi! vaginal irritation can be really annoying. You seem to hav tried a lot of medicines already. I suggest you deworm yourself and avoid using multiple medication /oil/dettol. Apply only candid b cream every 4 hrs .make sure the place is absolutely dey throughout the day. Use only cotton underwear while you r out. Ifnu don't find relief feel free to dm me.
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Hi, Lybrate user, tk, plenty of water to hydrate your body. Go for meditation to reduce your stress to nourish your skin. Your diet be easily digestible, non-irritant on time to check acidity triggering skin disorder. Consult privetly to begine a successful homoeopathic medication. Tk, apples, carrots, mangoes, spinach, amla, broccoli,papaya etc. Till, then take, underlying homoeopathic medicines: @.azadirechtaq -10 drops,� thrice with little water. Apply this medicine, locally, twice avoid,� junk food,� alcohol & nicotine. Tk,� care.
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Just don’t touch that area Avoid friction Apply mild soap like cetaphil for cleaning And dab with clean dry cloth Keep that area airy. It will heal in a week
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