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Am 30. Recently I had a c.section and my son is 10 months old. Am exclusively breast feeding my son and he is not drinking other milk. Day and nyt am breast feeding and also giving some solid food also. Till now my periods not came. My weight is normal. I got hypothyroid in pregnancy am using meds. I dnt have belly fat also. My height is 5.5 and my weight 53 kg. Pls, tell me why am not getting periods.
2Doctors Answered
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It is common not to get a period or scanty period or delayed periods when breastfeeding is going on. So during this time, it is important to use reliable family planning method so that either you are not worried about pregnancy now and then or don?t miss diagnosing pregnancy early.
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It is quite normal to not get your periods while you are exclusively breastfeeding. Since now the baby is eating solids as well, my advice to you is to do a pregnancy test first, to determine if you might be pregnant. If it is negative, I would suggest you meet your obstetrician and ask for medication for withdrawl bleeding.
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