I got a fissure and that won't cured. I consulted 4 physicians but no use. After 2 months I visited colon surgeon and he advised lateral sphincterotomy and given ointment nifedipine and lidocaine cream. After using that cream better relief and after month the fissure was healed. For the past 4 months good but I am feeling my internal sphincter was tight. Should I need the surgery or with time my problem will be solved? Please give me suggestions.
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Your fissures. Ointments and creams give temporary relief. Your problem of fissures , pain and bleeding is interlinked with your digestive system, constipation and intestinal problems. These are to be treated together. These symptoms may have developed over a period of time. Very effective treatment is available in homoeopathy for this chronic problem. Many Lybrate users are taking homeopathic treatment for this. Homeopathic treatment is painless and safe. No side effects. You need comprehensive treatment and it takes some time. Please start taking homeopathic medicine, preliminary dose Carbo veg 200-once daily in the morning for 5 days. Consult me through Lybrate by booking online consultation-( commencing from text consult Rs 149) for further more comprehensive prescription and treatment
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If fissure is chronic or have long time than bttr to go wid surgery
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Anal fissure is usually caused by passage of hard stools by straining that is constipation. So fissure recurrs whenever you have constipation. Surgery is indicated in anal fissure only if pain is severe not reducing with medical management. Now if you are not having symptoms, no need of surgery. Avoid constipation by taking plenty of water 3-4l/day, high fiber diet, physical activity in morning.
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You might not need the surgery if you can avoid two things 1. Constipation and 2.straining. These are the main causes of anal fissure. Take plenty of water, fruits and rest. Avoid stress and sleep less nights. You should be fine without surgey. Spasm of internal sphincter will go away with time id there is no recurrences.
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This could be of piles or fissure both are fully treatable. Try to avoid all the maida, oily, fried and spicy food in your diet. Include lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid non veg in your food and try you don?t have constipation. Ayurveda has very good treatment for piles and fissure along with lifestyle management but for treatment we need a detailed history so it would be best if you come for online consultation. For further details you can consult with me in Dr. Monga medi clinic or consult me directly by taking a consultation on Lybrate share all details with me.
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