Hello everyone, I was taking treatment for pcos and trying to become pregnant but unfortunately couldn't happen as expected. During my treatment my doctor prescribed below medicines. dexona 0.5 mg daily one ecosprin daily one lectoz 2.5 mg daily 2 metformin daily one calcium and iron tablets. Eggs released and also had a injection to rupture the eggs and further followed as suggested. But I couldn't get pregnant. Currently i'm having periods with heavy bleeding. Can someone please help on this. Whether I have taken right treatment? Thank you, sadaf.
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Check for patency of tubes.
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Hello, the main problem in pcos is excess weight. Make some lifestyle modifications for weight reduction like yoga, suryanamskara and walking. Avoid night meals after 8 pm. If you reduce your weight by 6-7 kgs, the chances of you getting pregnant are more.
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The treatment was correct. You can take tab tranexa mf thrice daily after food for 3 days to reduce the bleeding. You can take letroz again from d3-7 and the same follow up for 2 more cycles. If there is still no outcome, you can check for patency of tubes. In the meantime, try to reduce some weight with healthy lifestyle and diet. You can also take t ovabless 1 tablet twice daily after food.
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