Myself 35 years of age suffering from depression, fear & insomnia (consulting psychiatrist suggest taking risdone plus, nitrosun 10 mg, solpose 0.5 mg @ night & kivelna 100 sr in morning) but I am not able to sleep properly also having fear someone my relative blamed me for her condition (i chose the groom for her & he is in last stage of cancer within one year of marriage, she blamed me for her current situation) how can I get rid of this I got some suicidal thoughts in my mind but I want to die by natural way, but only because of my wife & son I am leaving but not speaking to anyone except my dr.
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Dear lybrate-user, it is nice of you to have taken a psychiatrist help. These tablets take time to act. They will reduce your suffering. Visit your psychiatrist regularly for change of dose/tablets.
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Hi first of all know the cause of your depression. Don't run from it, do not try to hide. It's ok to feel that way, it's ok to be not to be okay! we are not perfect but we all can work on us. Some tips which may help you: try to meditate and think what can be done to solve the problem. This is not the end. Be practical. Eat healthy. Eat foods that are good for your brain. Healthy brain is so important to have a healthy life. Know what you want, also what you don't want. Focus on what is important. Do no compare your life with the people you follow on social media. No body is posting their failures. Try to help other people, this is the most beautiful thing that you can do. Help is help doesn't matter how big or small. If you are helping others, you are also helping yourself. Learn how to deal with anxiety exercise. It helps you to be healthy and balances your hormones. Turn the good things into habit. Whenever you get any negative thoughts. Filter it with what do you want? Will it help getting it? Read and write a lot. Write whatever you feel. Let your thoughts run, do not keep you voices and thoughts in prison. You should do the right things because you love yourself. We are rushed by other people's success and timeline. Give yourself permission to take time. Choose education over entertainment. Most successful people in the world are healthy, wealthy and wise. Show gratitude every morning and night. Do this everyday. Trust me your life will change completely within a few days. Have conscious, real conversation with yourself. We don't have to believe every stupid thing that we think. Surround yourself with people who are positive and always learning in life, people who are not stucked. Do what you love, and be great at it. If not today, then when? Be busy in loving yourself. Don't be depressed. You can message me anytime you want. If you need someone to talk to I am always here. We will together try to solve the problem. Where there is a will there is a way. :) :) :)
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Hi, please understand that the situation you are in can be taken care of. For medicine part, I would suggest to go for a second opinion or talk to your current doctor again for getting a better treatment. Fearful, irrational thoughts are currently clouding your judgement and should be taken care off by a competent psychologist who will be giving you a safe environment to talk about everything and make you feel liberated and surrounded with strong coping mechanisms to deal with the current situation. You may contact me as well or any good psychologist. Counselling along with medication improves the treatment success rate of depression, fear, suicidal ideation, etc many a times. Please don't forget life is precious, take care.
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