Hi I am 25 years old female, married 7 months ago. Try for baby my cycle ranges 31-38 days 4 days flow. My last period was on jan 28 if i'm right 7 days late .tested with kit got negative. Experiencing body pain tender breast numbness smelling senses taste difference giddiness uncomfortableness in stomach thirstiness what can I expect please do explain it i'm doing breathing exercises pranayam basthrika sudharshan kriya can I continue it now or when?
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As test is negative pregnancy is less likely can repeat test or blood test serum hcg_beta. Pregnancy can occur only one day of the cycle that is ovulation day so unprotected sex around that day only important. As only one day in month, nature should be given 12-24 trials (12 to 24 months) before a couple need any active management by a gynecologist or infertility specialist those who have regular 28 days cycle get ovulation around 14th day counting from the first day of the period (bleeding) means sexual intercourse around 11 to 16th day helps for pregnancy. Those who get cycles differently calculations have to be made differently as ovulation occurs 14 days prior to the next period.
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