I am 25 year old girl having a hair fall problem, when I touch my hair, hair come in my hand. Please give me suggestion.
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Use antidandruff shampoo daily. Use keshkanti oil from ramdev at bedtime it is really effective do pranayam daily for ten minutes. Take tablet keralego men daily for six months.
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Hair coming out from roots only on mild touch indicate severe nutritional deficiency. Please get your hb checked. Hair fall can be reduced or brought under control by improving your diet. Try taking balanced and on time meals. Include sprouts, fruits, leafy vegetable and some dryfruits regularly in your diet. Wash with mild shampoo to avoid damage to already weak hair shaft. If hair fall persists after these measures consult a qualified dermatologist.
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Hair grows in cycles. Each cycle consists of a long growing phase (anagen), a brief transitional apoptotic phase (catagen), and a short resting phase (telogen). At the end of the resting phase, the hair falls out (exogen) and a new hair starts growing in the follicle, beginning the cycle again. Normally, about 50 to 100 scalp hairs reach the end of resting phase each day and fall out. When significantly more than 100 hairs/day go into resting phase, clinical hair loss (telogen effluvium) may occur. A disruption of the growing phase causing abnormal loss of anagen hairs is an anagen effluvium. Causes of hairfall:- 1. Androgen hormone 2. Drugs (including chemotherapeutic agents) 3. Infection (eg, tinea capitis, kerion, cellulitis of the scalp) 4. Systemic disorders (disorders that cause high fever, sle, endocrine disorders, and nutritional deficiencies) 5. Alopecia areata first thing is to rule out any of these causes which will be of diagnostic value only but for immediate relief you can go for constitutional homoeopathic treatment which will remove your hairfall tendency from the root itself.
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