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Hello- a normal platelet count in a healthy person ranges from 150, 000 to 450, 000 platelets per microlitre of blood. When the count is below 150, 000 per microlitre, it is considered a low platelet count. There are three possible causes of low platelet count: #presence of platelets in the spleen due to cancer or severe liver diseases. This causes a decrease in the number of platelets in circulation. #reduced production of platelets due to leukemia, some types of anemia, viral infections, exposure to toxic chemicals, chemotherapy drugs, heavy alcohol consumption and deficiency of essential vitamins like vitamin b12. #increased breakdown of platelets due to autoimmune diseases, reaction to medicines, bacterial infection in the blood, pregnancy and health problems like idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (itp) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (ttp). Here are the top 10 ways to increase a low platelet count naturally. 1. Papaya 2. Wheatgrass 3. Pumpkin 4. Spinach 5. Vitamin c to increase your platelet count, you need to increase your intake of vitamin c, also known as ascorbic acid. 6. Indian gooseberries 7. Sesame oil 8. Beetroot 9. Water blood cells are made of water and protein, hence it is highly recommended to drink plenty of water throughout the day. When it comes to a low platelet count, avoid drinking cold water as it can affect your digestive tract and the body will not absorb nutrients properly. Instead, drink filtered and purified water that is room temperature. This will help your body produce more blood cells and eventually improve the platelet count. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of room temperature water daily. 10. Exercise.
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