My prostate size is 44 cc. I am taking Tasulin (0.4) once in night. But now a days I am not comfortable. What to do? Increase dose or change medicine.
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Follow the given medication as directed:- 1) 5 drops of homoeopathic causticum 30 at early morning daily before brushing teeth 2) 5 drops of homoeopathic conium mac 30 before going to bath daily. 3) 5 drops of homoeopathic baryta carb 30 just one hour before dinner daily. 4) homoeopathic mother tincture sabal serrulata q, 30 drops, twice daily, after meals, in a cup of water. Along with the aforesaid medication few changes your lifestyle are also necessary. Lifestyle alterations to address the symptoms include decreasing fluid intake before bedtime, moderating the consumption of alcohol and caffeine-containing products, and following a timed voiding schedule. Also it would be better if you could void the urine in sitting position.
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Treatment does not depend on size of prostate but on the symptoms you have. Start taking tamsulosin dutasteride combination tablet. Get an ultrasound of kub with post void residual volume. Depending upon your symptoms we can change the medicine but no advantage of increase the dose.
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