I am 23 years old male. I have knee pain since 2 yrs. I go to gym regularly. I have visited some doctors. One said there is swelling in the cartilage and don't do squats in gym. I don't do that but there is no relief in pain. I feel this pain only during running and using stairs. Rest of the time I don't feel pain in normal movement of the joint. But that motion of the joint is not smooth. I feel some crackling sound in my knees. I do exercises to strengthen the quadriceps but nothing happened. Is there any damaged in the cartilage due my high and frequent sports activities. I feel pain in both knees.
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With pain do not do any weight training exercises do take ift and vacuum therapy physiotherapy treatment for pain relief for 12 days followed by strengthening and stretching exercises from neuro physiotherapist or sports medicine rehab specialist apply hot and cold water fomentation for thrice a day for 7 days regularly do revert back for further assistance best wishes.
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Do flexion extension exercise hot wet fome�t�t�on don't sqait on floor.
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Hello Mr. Lybrate-user knee pain is a very common medical condition, occurs due to constant wear and tear of the knee joint causes age knee injury arthritis symptoms it can be a dull pain or a sharp unbearable pain capable of making a person immobile tips to manage massage regularly for 10 mins. Massage therapy helps relieve joint pain by improving circulation and soothing inflammation. Regular massage can improve pain, stiffness and range of motion in the affected joint. To massage the affected area, use warm oil like coconut, olive, mustard, castor or garlic oil and apply gentle pressure while massaging. Heat fomentation by hot water bag helps decrease pain, increase blood flow and relax sore muscles and joints. Fry fenugreek seeds powder it, take two tsp mix with hot water. Apply on the affected joint for 30 mins regularly for 7 days. Precaution: avoid excess use of knee joint for few days.
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Avoid stairs, prolonged knee bending, impact exercises and open chain exercises. Cycling, rowing, swimming can be contnued if painless. Consult arthroscopy surgeon if symptoms persist.
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Dear lybrate-user, namaskar, to me, you seem to have chondromalacia patellae. I. E. Softening of the cartilage of your knee cap. This is a self limiting condition and has a natural history of about 6 months on average (may take longer in some patients. You will have to restrain from any athletic activity which involves pressure on patello-femoral joint. Avoid squatting and stairs and use commode. There is no drug treatment, except a pain killer sos. Most of the times, the diagnosis is clinical. Rarely a diagnostic arthroscopy is required. Take care and follow up with me if you feel so.
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Dear lybrate-user, you appear to have damage in the cartilage of the knee cap portion of the knee joint. It is advised that you do not continue doing squats/ climb stairs, etc. However if these precautions are not improving your symptoms then you nee to get the consultation of a sports surgeon to assess the degree and size of the cartilage injury in your knee joint. Superficial and small cartilage damages can be managed completely with physical rehabilitation. However large or deep lesions would need stem cell treatment techniques to repair the damage. Hope that helps you, you are free to contact me if needed. Regards,
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