If stiffness and curvature of cervical spine can be reduced to normal situation where the hed can rotate normal i.e the motor action is possible. With application of homoeo medicine.
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Cervical spondylosis? chronic condition with radiating pain this is cervical pain (neck pain) and that's the reason the pain radiates until the shoulder blades. If you keep ice that would help and along side you can do hot water fermentation. You shall use cervical collar which would help you to reduce the radiating pain ie. Due to the nerve compression. You have to go for traction and also you can do ift. Please consult the near bytherapist for quick relief. Use collar will definitely be helpful for him to maintain the good posture. And also cervical pillow can be used which might make you to have better posture of the shoulder neck and arm. Neck tilt: from the sitting position, tilt your head down so your chin touches your chest. Hold this position for 5 second s. Return to the starting position and repeat. Do this five times. Side-to-side neck tilt. From the same starting position, tilt you neck toward one shoulder, leading with your ear. Hold for 5 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do this five times on each side. Neck turn. Look straight ahead, then turn your head to one side, keeping your chin at the same level. Do this five times on each side. Neck stretch. Holding the rest of your body straight, push your chin forward, stretching your throat. Hold for 5 seconds. From the same starting position, push your chin backward and hold for 5 seconds. Do the forward and backward stretch five times each. If any of these exercises cause severe pain or weakness in your hands or arms, stop right away and talk with your doctor. We suggest you to wear cervical collar which will help you to improve the cervical angle and also it definitely helps you to improve the neck posture due to which your neck pain is triggered more. The importance of wearing cervical collar is to give good stability to the neck and also it definitely prevents you to have excess neck movements which makes the condition worse. If you wear cervical collar you cannot turn your neck as you like which itself will help you to have better functioning of the cervical spine. This cervical soft collar what we are suggesting for you is available at our clinic. If you want you can buy from us, if you are far away from chennai we can send you by courier. The reason why we are conveying you to buy from us is we can demonstrate over the videocall (using whatsapp) and also we can monitor you throughout when to wear it and how long to wear it. And also if you find any difficulty wearing the brace you can also revert back to us for few more suggestions and we can propose you good solution how to go about it. Pushups this one may seem basic, but there?s no denying that pushups are one of the best ways to strengthen the pectoral muscles. These can be done on the knees or toes. If you?re not ready for full pushups, start with your hands resting on a solid surface higher than your feet ? like a very sturdy coffee table or the edge of a couch, cushions removed, that?s pressed up against a wall ? and start on the toes. Having your hands higher than your feet and your body at an angle can be a good way to start a pushup regimen. As you get stronger, you can begin to lower the angle of your body. This will help you transition to full pushups more easily than going from knees to toes. A full plank engages the muscles differently, even at an angle. When doing pushups, aim for 2 sets of 10 reps per day. 1.start in plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your core engaged. 2.as you lower, inhale. 3.as you engage your muscles to push yourself up, exhale. Keep your elbows hugging in close to your body. Keep your focus on slowly breathing as you do these, and on engaging the pectorals while keeping the core tight. Don?t just crank these out to get them done ? this can compromise your form and do more harm than good. If the movement is really tough, break the sets into three or five to start, or find a higher point to begin after a week of exercise. If necessary, you can even stand and do pushups pushing against a wall. Chest fly for this exercise, you?ll need a bench or exercise ball as well as some dumbbells. If you don?t have weights, you can always use the old standby: a soup can in each hand. Just keep in mind that dumbbells are easier to hold and you can get more out of using them, as even 5-pound weights are heavier than your heaviest canned goods. 1.lie with your upper and middle back on a bench or ball, with your legs at a 90-degree angle. Hold a weight in each hand and extend your arms to the sky, elbows slightly bent. 2.as you inhale, lower your arms out wide, until your elbows are at shoulder height. 3.as you exhale, raise your hands until they meet above your chest again. 4.do 2 sets of 10. If that feels pretty easy, up it to 2 sets of 15 or increase the weight you?re using. Dumbbell row strengthening your back muscles is an important component of treating pectusexcavatum. The dumbbell row targets your lat muscles. The way it?s described below also strengthens your core, another important component of treating the condition. You?ll need some dumbbells to complete this move ? err on the lighter side if you?ve never done a row before. 1.hold one dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended. Hinge at the hips until your upper body reaches a 45-degree angle. 2.keeping your neck in line with your spine and your gaze straight down, pull your elbows straight back and squeeze between your shoulder blades. 3.extend your arms back to the starting position. Complete 2 sets of 10. Dumbbell rear delt fly another move to strengthen your back, a dumbbell rear delt fly also focuses on the lats, as well as the rhomboids and the traps. Choose a light pair of dumbbells to complete this move and ensure that you?re pinching your shoulder blades together at the top to get the most out of it. 1.hold one dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended. Hinge at the hips until your upper body reaches a 45-degree angle and bring the dumbbells together. 2.keeping your spine and neck neutral, inhale and push the dumbbells out and up to the side until your arms are parallel to the floor. 3.exhale and return to the start in a slow and controlled motion. Complete 2 sets of 10. Exercise is a key component to treating pectusexcavatum. By strengthening your chest, back, and core muscles and stretching your chest cavity, you can combat the condition?s effects. Aim to complete these exercises several times a week to maximize results. Anterior pelvic tilt 1.lie on the back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. 2.squeeze the buttocks and tilt the pelvis upward. 3.the back should feel as though it is flattening to the ground. 4.return to normal pelvis position. 5.repeat 10?12 times. This is a general knee pain and for this you can follow these measures: one keep a pillow right under the knee while sleeping, next is you can keep ice in the painful area for about 5--10 minutes, it looks like you are is important to check that. Anaemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having body pain though there may not be any pathological reasons for knee pain. With knee exercises you will definitely feel better and muscles must be strengthened.?don't play through pain. As soon as you notice exercise-related knee pain, ice the area and rest. Until your knee is pain-free, avoid activities that put stress on your patellar tendon. ?strengthen your muscles. Strong thigh muscles are better able to handle the stresses that can cause patellar tendinitis. Eccentric exercises, which involve lowering your leg very slowly after extending your knee, are particularly helpful. ?improve your technique. To be sure you're using your body correctly, consider taking lessons or getting professional instructions when starting a new sport or using exercise equipment. ?therapy ?a variety of physical therapy techniques can help reduce the symptoms associated with patellar tendinitis, including back pain it looks like you are anaemic. If you have back pain after you sit for long hours then it is due to your haemoglobin levels as it is important to check that. Anaemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having back / leg pain though there may not be any pathological reasons for back pain. It looks like you are anaemic. And also you have to check with your vitamin and calcium, if the bones are weak then automatically the pain gets triggered more as there is less severity of the pain back pain is described as acute or chronic based on how long you?ve had it. Acute pain lasts days to weeks, subacute pain lasts six weeks to three months, and chronic pain lasts longer than three months. Things that make it better or worse back pain may get worse with movement or if you sit or stand for a long time. It may get better if you switch positions or walk around. Accompanying symptoms other symptoms you may experience with back pain include: ?the painful spot looking swollen and feeling tender to the touch ?a muscle spasm in the painful area ?numbness or weakness in one or both of your legs (if the pain is due to a nerve issue) if you find you have back pain and can?t hold your urine or bowel movements, something is pressing on your spinal nerves, and you should be evaluated immediately. This condition, called caudaequina syndrome, can cause severe long-term damage to your spinal nerves if not treated right away. 6 imbalances that cause pain?and how to fix them "pain is a medical condition and a medical issue, says brett jones, owner of applied strength in pittsburgh who is certified for the functional movement screen, a system of tests and cor rective exercise strategies. "it's a warning sign. The pain is there to tell you something's wrong. And that warning sign could be more serious than "you're going too hard. Jones and the other coaches consulted for this piece all had a horror story to tell-when pain in a client meant a more serious condition such as a nerve issue, thyroid issue, or even cancer. The point: if you experience regular pain while exercising-or when you're not-go to the doctor. If you've been cleared by a doc and you're still feeling discomfort, try these simple tests to see what's truly causing the pain-it could be related to an imbalance in a completely different part of your body. The good news: with these drills, stretches, and corrective exercises, you may be able to fix them-no doctors necessary. 2. Standing extension how it helps ? this standing extension helps reverse what you do on a daily basis (hunching)? since most bulging discs and herniated discs are caused by poor posture and repeated flexion of the spine (esp bending fwd in bad posture), this stretch helps push the disc back to neutral position. How to do it ? begin this exercise by standing up with good posture. Now take both hands and place them on both sides of your lower back. Now with the help of your hands push your pelvis forward and extend your spine back. Follow the extension with your neck so that you end up facing the ceiling. ? start with 10 repetitions and do 2-3 sets. ? this one is particularly great to do when you need a break from sitting at your desk. ** this should not cause any pain. If you feel pain during it is not a good one for you. In that case, stop and try some of the other exercises below instead. 3. Half cobra pose (prone lumbar extension) how it helps ? the half cobra stretch helps to push the disc material back towards the center of the inter-vertebral disc to allow for improved healing. The goal of repeated lower back extension is the ?centralization of symptoms?, which basically means pain that travels down the affected leg to the foot should come back up closer to the low back ? which will in turn alleviate the pain. How to do it ? begin this exercise by lying on your stomach (prone position) and slowly prop yourself up on your elbows while keeping your hips in contact with the floor. ? hold the prop-up position for 10-15 seconds before returning to the prone position (lying face down). ? gradually increase to holding the end position for 30 seconds. Aim for 10 repetitions of this stretch. ** initially, you may not be able to tolerate this position very well, so make sure you start slowly and carefully. If there?s any pain, try a different exercise instead. 4. Full cobra pose (advanced extension) how it helps ? this stretch is based on the same principle as the half cobra pose above. This advanced extension helps to push disc material back towards the center of the intervertebral disc, with the goal of alleviating pain symptoms. How to do it ? once you?ve mastered the half cobra pose, you can increase the difficulty by moving to the advanced version of this stretch. Begin this exercise by lying on your stomach in the prone position (lying facing down) and slowly press up on your hands while keeping your pelvis in contact with the floor and lower back relaxed. ? hold the prop-up position for 10 seconds. Aim for 10 repetitions of this stretch. ? eventually try to hold this pose for longer if it feels good (20-30 seconds). ** if you feel pain during this exercise, it is not a good one for you. In that case, stop and try some of the other exercises instead. 5. Cat-cow how it helps ? this is one of the most popular herniated disc exercises. By combining two yoga poses, the cat-cow stretch can help to relieve pressure on the herniated disc by opening the intervertebral disc space. It also improves mobility of the spine, which may help to relieve disc herniation pain and speed recovery. How to do it ? begin this stretch on your hands and knees. Inhale and let your stomach ?drop? towards the floor as you look up towards the ceiling. ? follow this by exhaling and slowly rounding your spine while pressing into the floor with your hands and slightly curving your neck to look at your feet. ? aim for 10 repetitions of this stretch and do 2-3 sets. How it helps ? this exercise will help strengthen and stabilize your lower back and deep spine muscles. This will help you to maintain a good posture and avoid future episodes of herniated discs. How to do it: ? begin on your hands and knees with your hands positioned under your shoulders and knees positioned under your hips. ? raise your left arm and reach it forwards until it is aligned with your torso; at the same time, kick your right leg backwards until is it aligned with your torso. ? hold this position for 2-3 seconds before slowly returning to the starting position. ? repeat with your right arm and left leg. ? alternate sides for 10 repetitions and do 2-3 sets. ** ensure that your head, neck, and back maintain a neutral alignment to minimize stress on your neck. Plank: how it helps ? just like the bird dog, this ?core? exercise will help bring your pelvis into right position by strengthening the deep spinal muscles and glutes (butt muscles). How to do it ? begin lying on your stomach with your forearms against the mat. ? engage your core and lift your body so that you are resting on your forearms and toes. ? start with 10 second holds and work up to 30 second holds, do 2-3 sets. ** ensure to keep your back straight throughout the entire exercise ? spine in neutral position. Thoracic expansion if you?re using a chair, sit facing forward and allow your upper body to fall over the back of the chair. Extend your arms above your head for a deeper stretch. Hold either position for 10 seconds and release. Repeat 3 times.
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