I had tested for HIV 5 days after having unprotected sex will the results be conclusive or will the results be accurate.
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No it will not be. You have to test after 3 months for conclusive results, there are certain tests to detect by 10-15 days after exposure.
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No, HIV antibody appear after 3 month (window period)
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No the test is not accurate you have to repeat test after 2 and 1/2 to 3 months.
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Hello- It is too early to detect an HIV infection in blood. Go for test in 30-90-180 days to be sure exactly.
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NO it s not conclusive Antibody tests ("Rapid" tests) — give a positive result based on antibodies to HIV, not the virus itself. It takes your body up to 3 months to produce these antibodies at levels that can be detected by this test. 4-6 weeks (up to 3 months) after infection, most people will have enough antibodies to test positive 12 weeks (3 months) after infection, about 98% of people will have enough antibodies to test positive. RNA tests — show a positive result based on the presence of the virus. These tests are more expensive than anitbody tests, so are not offered in as many places. 9-14 days after infection, there will be enough viral material for a positive result. PCR tests (Polymerase chain reaction tests) — also test for the actual virus. This type of test is often used for testing the viral load of HIV-positive people, as well as testing babies born to HIV-positive mothers.
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