I felt burning sensation in the stomach area during night. Next day I took zentel 150 mg and it was fine. After 2 days it again started to burn at night. During the day after having pudina hara its all ok. What should I do.
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Hi, I think you are suffering with gastritis- the lining of your stomach may have become inflamed. This could be due to a few causes: 1) missing eating meals at regular times or skipping eating altogether (like some people do not eat breakfast or lunch etc). 2) eating spicy food. 3) eating hot food and drink. 4) drinking lot of tea and coffee and other caffeinated drinks. 5) drinking lot of fizzy drinks. 6) drinking alcohol over the limit or binge drinking on some certain days etc. 7) eating lot of fatty food/ junk food/ deep fried food etc Solution: If you are doing any of the above stop it or reduce it. Eat regular small meals. Eat well balanced diet. If symptoms still persist after 2 weeks see a physician and get tested for H.pylori (positive H.pylori also leads to gastritis). Hope this helps you. Thank you.
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