My boy is 2.6 years weight is 11.0 kg last 8 months fever coming blood test and xray normal t.b also tested no result hot water taken every month used 30 ml anti boitc cold and cough syrup used I am feeling sir, please tell me any suggestion give me sir.
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Hi lybrate-user, Your child needs further testing to know the cause for the fever which is coming since the last 8 months. In initial phase common tests like CBP, Malaria, Typhoid, urine infection tests, etc done. If they are normal, then other tests like TB tests, tests to rule out chronic infections and inflammatory diseases are being done by Children Doctors. In some children in spite of extensive tests, the cause of fever is very difficult to find out, but it is not possible. First it is better to know whether the child is suffering from common repeated infections which are causing fever since 8 months or a uncommon condition. So be in regular follow up with the Pediatrician for further evaluation of the problem with appropriate tests and his clinical examination. Hope I have answered your query.
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