I want to know various side effects of Prolomet AM 50 tablet I am taking for BP since last six years, and how to avoid those effects. Thanks and Regards.
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The side effects are usually given on the strip or bottle of medicines you purchase. Commonly Palpitations, Abdominal pain, Chest pain, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Fainting, Fatigue, Flushing, Headache, Lightheadedness, Limb swelling, Stomach upset are the registered detrimental side effects. These can appear immediately or after few years, depending on the tolerance levels of the patient consuming them. The best way to avoid these is to change lifestyle to bring a health condition where the need of such medicines can be totally avoided. Although at 50 age, it may take more effort and time, it is still possible to reduce dependency on any medicines or to fine natural, ayurvedic options that work well for you.
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